Note: This tutorial is best for those familiar with layers and masks.

- Open your photograph and duplicate the layer. I called the layer sparkle
- Add a layer mask to this new layer.
- Select the layer masker then Image>Apply Image - leave the defaults and click OK. The layer mask will have a copy of the image inside it.
- Change the Blending Mode of this layer to Screen (top of the layer menu)
- Duplicate this new layer
- Click the folder icon in the bottom of the Layers palette to create a new group and call it sparkle group
- Drop these 2 layers in your group folder
- Select either one of the sparkle layers
- Filter > Blur > Motion Blur - Angle 45 degrees.
- Depending on the resolution of your image adjust the streaks until you get nice long thin lines
- Select the other sparkle layer
- Filter > Blur > Motion Blur but now select the opposite direction for streaks - Angle -45 degrees
- Again, adjust the streaks until you get long thin streaks like you did in the other layer
- Now to make the streaks more prominent go to Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask
- Adjust these settings to make the streaks more visible
- Select the other sparkle layer and repeat Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask
- Select the Group Layer and add a Layer Mask by clicking on the mask icon in the bottom of the layer palette
- Select a soft edged brush, set the opacity to 50% and start painting with black on the layer mask to take the streaks off the main subject
- I selected one of my sparkle layers then Image > Adjustments > Vibrance (versions before CS5 use Hue/Saturation)
- I moved the Vibrance of the image way up to make the colors pop
- I repeated this step on the other sparkle layer
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