Monday, October 31, 2011

Photoshop Fabulous 3D Effects

Thanks to the Vandelay Design blog, I found a really neat 3D Action that beats what I can do in a few steps manually in Photoshop.  Let's take a look at how I got from the above image to the image below.
There are 2 files to download, a starburst image file and the Action itself.
Go to this blog to download the files.
Next you just need to load and run the Action. (How to load and work with Actions)
Just running the Action I downloaded and hitting the Enter key a couple of times turned the above graphic from what you see above, to the cool graphic you see below.
There are several options/windows that open allowing you to edit the size of the shadow etc. but for the first time I ran through it I found it easiest to just click OK or hit the Return key until all the processes finish,
When the Action is done, you'll need to select the layers that the starbursts are on and move them to the spots of your choice.

What I love about this Action is that it not only works with text, but there is an option to run this Action on shapes and layers too.
How easy is that?

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